© NeuroBionic MedCare Technologies

Binaural treatment to unlock your full brain potential

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Binaural Neuro Treatment

Unleash Your Full 100% brain power through multiple neuro channels with NeuroBionic MedCare LX Technologies.

Binaural power treatments

in one powerful neuro app

1.1 icon brain

100% Brain Capacity

synchronize your brain to rediscover and use its full potential

1.2 icon coffee

Digital Coffee

for your attentive learning and cognitive day to day activities

1.3 icon focus

Competitive Focus

where true genius begins. Awaken your competitive focus as a primary instinct.

3D Sound

binaural and isochromatic beats (brain waves) together with natural, medical 3D music rhythms


Unleash Your Full 100% brain power

through multiple neuro channels with NeuroBionic MedCare LX Technologies.

These treatments are created to synchronize your brain and unlock its divine potential. Use this mental source code to connect every element of your brain. Synchronize your left and right cerebral hemispheres to uncover its birth-given capabilities. Enjoy your virtual coffee during work and sprint-learn with your highly competitive focus.  

Unlock your brain power:

With 100% Brain Capacity we combine the work on the newest neuroscientific research together with divine wisdom of ancient traditional cultures. 

Find the best in one brain boosting app from:


From the beginning of our existential life, we become exposed to our first vices. This limiting beliefs and mindsets are deeply ingrained into our brain network since early childhood. This prevents us from reaching our full potential. Overcome your socialized limits and connect your brainwaves to its full, human-born capabilities.


This app uses powerful deep-flash-codes, binaural power-beats and medical rhythms to directly affect your mind and physical body (brain waves). In cases of sensitivity, depression, tics, or mental instability please contact your medical expert BEFORE using the treatments in this app.


Psychological effects have an impact on physical well-being. The unfocused mind affects your pure soul and is often the root cause of many physical problems. Start to achieve clarity of mind to realign your perfect unity of body, mind and soul.


Electroencephalography measured brain waves give insight into a person’s mental state. Low brain waves are measured during sleep and relaxation. The more concentrated and focused a person is, the higher the brain wave vibrations. Problems arise when 1) the brain works on the wrong frequency for a specified activity 2) the brain waves change erratically or 3) different frequencies occur in different regions of the brain. This can range from ADHD and depression to serious mental disorders.


As new studies have shown, brain waves can be directly affected by binaural and isochromatic beats. With alternate, consistent frequencies in the left and right ears, the brain automatically works to achieve balance and hear the superimposed frequency. The brain waves synchronize in resonance with the target frequency. This effect is reinforced by isochromatic beats and visualizations.
These treatments lead you directly into the respective state and generate the intended, consistent brainwaves, while committing to memory helping you to permanently control, exploit and expand your full potential.

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